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DIY Craft: Shrink Plastic Bag Tags

An idea for your next shrink plastic project. This possibilities are endless! =) You can make bag tags with shrink plastic. No more mixing up of bags!

WahSoSimple Shrink Plastic Art

This is what I used:

  • A sheet of shrink plastic

  • Sharpie Permanent Markers

  • Scissors

  • One-hole puncher

  • Ball chains

  • Oven

WahSoSimple Shrink Plastic Art

This is what I did:

  1. Draw and colour images on the shrink plastic. Now, remember that the plastic will shrink to about a quarter to half of its original size, so we have to make our images and words big. As the plastic shrinks, the colours will become more intense, so using lighter and brighter colours would yield better results.

  2. Cut the shrink plastic to shape. Punch a hole at the top to string the ball chain later.

  3. Now to the shrinking part ... To shrink the plastic, pre-heat the oven to between 175 degree Celsius and 180 degree Celsius. When the oven is heated, place the shrink plastic onto a piece of aluminium foil and place it into the oven. The side of the shrink plastic where we have coloured on should be facing upwards.

  4. Watch the shrink plastic while it is in the oven. It will first curl up and then flatten out. Wait until it has flatten out to remove from the oven. Once it is out of the oven and still hot and pliable, quickly place it into a flat surface and put a book on top for a few seconds to completely flatten and set it hard.

  5. String the tag with a ball chain.

  6. Ta-da! Ready to be attached to your bag!

If you are interested in shrink plastic, check out our DIY Shrink Plastic Kit in our shop! =) Till the next blog post, make something with your hands! =)

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