In March 2017, WahSoSimple facilitated a series of upcycling craft workshops with Primary 4 students at a primary school in Singapore. The objective of the sessions was to teach our young friends through crafting to appreciate our forests. The grand forests accounts for a third of land area on our planet, but is unfortunately disappearing at an astonishing rate, due to deforestation.
The students were asked to come to school with sheets of one-sided used paper. There were lots of chatter and excitement as they marvelled with disbelief at how they could transform the used paper they had painstakingly collected from rummaging through their recycled bins at home, into personalised notebooks.
We showed and taught them how to make and bind their own book, and personalise it with attractive washi tape.
Our young friends were delighted with their handmade notebook. They also went home with a deeper appreciation of the forest, the source of where paper is made. They all learnt the startling fact that along with losing endangered animals, to deforestation, we are losing forest area the size of Singapore every 2 days (source:
Till our next blog post, craft something! =)