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Craft Workshop: Upcycling Old T Shirts

wahsosimple upcycling old clothes

Do you know that a simple cotton T shirt requires up to 2,700L of water before it makes its eventful journey from a cotton plant into your wardrobe space? The water it requires provides drinking water to an individual for 900 days!

Learning this astonishing fact gave us a fresh perspective of the humble T shirts we own, and how we should give it a second lease in life post its prime days in our wardrobe. It inspired us to craft a pot coaster from old T shirts and we were very happy to run a workshop teaching this craft to a group of school teachers.

wahsosimple upcycling old clothes

WahSoSimple was humbled to have teachers as our students on 14 Jan 2017, as we showed them how they could make their own pot coasters from old T shirts. The session was to inspire them on how they could impart the knowledge of upcycling to their students.

wahsosimple upcycling old clothes

If you are planning to organise an upcycling initiative, why not reach out to us and we will share some workshop ideas which you can consider. Drop us a note here to enquire.

Till our next blog post, craft something with your hands! =)

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