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Crafting with Seniors at Community Events

In 2018, the number of senior Singaporeans aged 65 and above and youths aged 15 and below is the same for the first time in Singapore's modern history. Some call this a 'demographic time bomb'. The Singapore government has been and is encouraging the practice of active aging. The People's Association through Community Centres and Residents' Community Centres are rolling Active Aging programs to connect and engage with the seniors and WahSoSimple is keen to play a part.

We have conducted senior crafting sessions at these community events. One such session was a Shrink Art session at the Marine Parade GRC on a September Sunday. We saw the seniors happily picking their designs, colouring, chatting, socialising and bonding with their friends. So heartwarming!

Crafting with the seniors at community events

Do drop us a note the next time that you are planning to do anything with the seniors and we would love to be part of your event.

Till the next post, make something with your hands! =)

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