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Slime Bar!

What is slime? According to my trusty dictionary, it is defined as 'a moist, soft, and slippery substance, typically regarded as repulsive'. Replusive?!? Most definitely not! Slime is so popular with children that they will skip lunch and use their pocket money to buy slime.

At WahSoSimple, we have designed a Slime Bar or Slime Buffet featuring a variety of colours, glitter and scent to entice and entertain the young ones. Our most recent Slime Bar was held at the Little Creatures Singapore in celebration of Australia Day. We had fun, the kids had fun. A win-win for everyone! =)

WahSoSimple Crafting with Children Slime Bar

Our Slime Bar is open for parties! Email us at hello@wahsosimple to find out more.

Till our next post, make some slime! =)

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